Least Recently Used CacheMy next blog post will go through an application of the data structures I have discussed in my previous blog posts. This is the LRU Cache…Nov 20, 2020Nov 20, 2020
Data Structures: Stacks and QueuesThe next topic I will be discussing are stacks and queues. Stacks and queues are also list based data structures. Stacks are useful when…Nov 18, 2020Nov 18, 2020
Data Structures: Arrays and Linked ListsToday, I am starting a series of blog posts outlining my studies of data structures and algorithms. I recently was selected for final…Nov 17, 2020Nov 17, 2020
How to render likes on a pageImagine this scenario… You work for a social media company and your manager asks you hey can you tackle the like feature on the forum we…Aug 28, 2020Aug 28, 2020
The Main Principles of Object Oriented ProgrammingI recently had a technical interview with a company where I was asked what the pillars of object oriented programming were. I did my best…Aug 23, 2020Aug 23, 2020
Implementing Authorization in Ruby on RailsAn application I am currently working on requires that an admin account have differing functionality then the common user. I decided to…Aug 15, 2020Aug 15, 2020
The Evolution of Asynchronous Actions in JavaScriptIn this blog post, I will explore the evolution of handling asychronous actions in JavaScript. An asynchronous action refers to an action…Aug 10, 2020Aug 10, 2020
Introduction to TerraformThis week I explored Terraform as part of my exploration of development and operations topics. Terraform is a tool for automating the…Aug 3, 2020Aug 3, 2020
Introduction to SassToday, I will be discussing the CSS pre-processing tool, Sass. Sass stands for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets. Sass is an extension…Jul 27, 2020Jul 27, 2020
What is KubernetesToday, I will be discussing what I learned about Kubernetes this week. I have been exploring Kubernetes in preparation for junior roles in…Jul 19, 2020Jul 19, 2020
Templating with Handlebars Javascript LibraryRecently, I finished and deployed my personal portfolio. I discovered the handlebars library when reviewing JavaScript on Codecademy…Jul 12, 2020Jul 12, 2020
The Problem Solving Process Using Mocha TestingThis weekend I delved into unit testing using the Mocha JavaScript testing framework. This blog post serves as an introduction to…May 27, 2020May 27, 2020
How to Unroll a Matrix: a Look into a Common Interview QuestionI am a recent graduate of the Flatiron School Denver Software Engineering Immersive. In the last few weeks, I have been practicing my…May 19, 2020May 19, 2020
Going Remote as a Software Engineering StudentDuring my 15-week program as a software engineering student, I was forced to work remote as the coronavirus pandemic became part of…Apr 17, 2020Apr 17, 2020
Phaser 3: an IntroductionI created my capstone project, Rave Mom, in Phaser 3 and Ruby on Rails. This blog details structuring of the game in Phaser 3. I hope this…Apr 17, 2020Apr 17, 2020
Rave Mom: My Love Letter to Raving CultureI am a passionate supporter of rave music and culture. As you all know the coronavirus pandemic has put a long hold on everyone’s lives…Apr 17, 2020Apr 17, 2020
Tackling the Astronomical: my First Hack-a-thon ExperienceAdventures of a new transplant to Denver, Colorado from tropical Honolulu, Hawaii. This week has been a hard week for me honestly. The…Feb 5, 2020Feb 5, 2020
The Hidden Complexities of Creating Three Card PokerHello, my name is Evan Greer, I am a mechanical engineer and future full stack web developer born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. I moved…Jan 28, 2020Jan 28, 2020